I’m Baaaaack!

Hello Blog! Long time no see!

Shortly after my last post my computer died, and it died in a big, big way. So sad. I did get used to it though. It was occasionally a little inconvenient but the thing I missed the most was being able to use my camera. Sure, I have a camera on my phone and it takes ok pictures but it just wasn’t the same.  I’ve also had some exciting changes over the last two years, made some great new friends, and have come to become utterly grateful for all the wonderful people and  things in my life.

So, as soon as I figure out how to use Windows 8.1 (I just got this new computer yesterday) and I get my photo software set up and running, I hope to be posting more regularly. What’s in store? Photos for sure but I also want to share information about some of the local small businesses and little hidden gems I find when I’m out and about here in Southeastern New England. After the winter we had….which isn’t quite over yet….many businesses both big and small have taken a hit. I heard on the news yesterday that in Massachusetts alone, over a billion dollars has been lost so far due to closings and people not being able to get out and about. So, get out there and shop local! 🙂

Until we meet again, thanks for reading!

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